• 18 Cheviot Hill, Porters Lake, NS B3E 1K1

AtlanticCIMarE branch

The Atlantic Branch is located in Halifax, serving the larger Atlantic area west and south of Newfoundland & Labrador. The Branch was proud to host the 2013 Mari-Tech event and invites everyone to come on down… east!

2021 – 2022 Executive:
PositionNameEmail AddressTelephone
ChairDon Levylevy.don@icloud.com902.877.2499
National Council Rep Derek Hughesdehughes09@gmail.com613-863-0298
SecretaryDerek Hughesdehughes09@gmail.com613-863-0298
TreasurerSandra Attersleysandra.attersley@gmail.com902.401.2307
Papers ChairPaul Jamerpsjamer@gmail.com902-489-2521

EventsAtlantic Branch