• 18 Cheviot Hill, Porters Lake, NS B3E 1K1

Branch Meeting – Atlantic

Branch Meeting – Atlantic

February 2025


TIME: 1200 noon Atlantic Time

LOCATION: Brightwood Golf Club

Paul Jamer, President of Helm Management Services, will share a presentation on the current vessel life extension for the CCG Terry Fox.

The CCG Terry Fox vessel life extension project is being conducted by Ontario Shipyards in St Catherines and the vessel has been in the yard since April 2024.  A large multitasked icebreaker, the ship is capable of sustained operations in the Arctic archipelago over the summer months and icebreaking escort operations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and East Coast of Newfoundland in the winter. The vessel also assists in various CCG programs including Arctic scientific missions.

The presentation will be in person at Brightwood Golf Club (227 School St, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2Y5) and will be available via GoTo Meeting for those that would like to attend virtually.  Please RSVP to receive a meeting link.


Travis Franklin,

Secretary, Atlantic Branch


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Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers Golf Tournament

Registration closes JUNE 13, 2024

Good afternoon everyone on this beautiful day!  We are about a month away from the Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers Golf tournament 2024 and registration is now over half full!  We will be having the tournament at the beautiful Chester Golf Course this year on Thursday June 13, 2024 starting at 830am!

We are happy to be able to keep the cost at $175.00 per player, $700.00 per team of 4 this year with golf cart included.  Adjustments will be made for current members for golf and dinner only.  We will be having BBQ chicken dinners at the end of the tournament.  If there are any dietary restrictions please let us know

With everyone receiving a prize we are always looking for donations and will gladly accept any prizes or monetary donations to help with the prizes.  All profits from the tournament will be given as donations to the Mission of Seafarers and Bonny Lea farm. 

 If you have any donations please drop them off at International Paint at 250 Brownlow Avenue Suite 2 or I can pick them up and we will ensure they are included with the prizes.  Remember the more donations, the more we can donate as a group to Bonny Lea and Mission to seafarers.

Get your team registered today to hold your spot!  There will be 18 teams of 4 available this year.  The registration form can be downloaded here.

Any registration cheques and prizes can be dropped off at International Paint Suite 2, 250 Brownlow Ave Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

We look forward to seeing everyone!

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DATE: Thursday, October 12th, 2023

TIME: 12:00 Atlantic (8:00 Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 12:30 NFLD)

Location: Brightwood Golf and Country Club, https://www.brightwoodgolf.ca/

(In person) and GoTo Meeting Video Link through CIMarE.

Timing: 1215-1315 (Please arrive at 1200 as presenter will start at 1215)



In recent years, the marine industry has put a significant emphasis on making the world’s fleets “greener” and more environmentally friendly. Driven by public opinion, and enforced by IMO, flag state and other regulators, alternative fuels and advanced propulsion and power generation arrangements have become mainstream.

As always, stakeholder enthusiasm does not necessarily result in marine operators achieving their desired goals. Not all initiatives result in reduced emissions and even fewer provide the necessary operational reliability and a solid business case. To succeed long term, all of these requirements must be met.

This paper will provide an overview of the history of the industry’s greening efforts, identify challenges left to overcome, and look at several real life applications that have successfully been deployed and are delivering the promised results.


Paul Jamer

Paul has been a well-known member of the marine and offshore community for many years. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and has been a guest lecturer at Colleges and Universities both in Canada and Internationally. He has been an active board member for several marine and energy related organizations, specifically as a Chair of the Maritimes Energy Association and Chair of FORCE (Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy).

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Expert Witnesses: The Superheroes of Witnesses


DATE: Thursday, May 11th, 2023

TIME: 12:00 Atlantic (8:00 Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 12:30 NFLD)

Location: Brightwood Golf and Country Club, https://www.brightwoodgolf.ca/

(In person) and GoTo Meeting Video Link through CIMarE.

Timing: 1215-1315 (Please arrive at 1200 as presenter will start at 1215)

Note: Clubhouse lunch will be available for purchase and delivered at 1315 once speaker finishes presenting and questions!!

Expert Witnesses: The Superheroes of Witnesses


Norm Letalik presents a survey of the special role that experts play in the litigation process including assessing matters to determine fault, recording evidence, interviewing witnesses, preparing reports and testifying in courts or at arbitrations or assisting in finding solutions at mediations.


The special powers given to expert witness come with additional responsibilities to the court to provide objective expert opinion and to interpret facts and educate the court so that the evidence can be better understood by the trier of fact. Unlike ordinary witnesses, expert witnesses may testify on evidence that would otherwise be excluded as hearsay evidence. We will review what characteristics courts expect experts to possess and how experts need to communicate with lawyers retaining them. Experts need to comport themselves as being independent so that their message will be heard and adopted by the courts.


Norm Letalik , M.A LL.B  LL.M

Norm Letalik, has been called to the Bar in Ontario since 1989 and to the Rolls as a Solicitor in England and Wales since 1998.  He practiced as a litigator in BLG’s Toronto office for 28 years handling all matter of marine, aviation and product liability claims.  Following his retirement from private practice he was General Counsel for Volkswagen Group Canada and now resides in Halifax and is Counsel to Metcalf and Company.  Prior to practicing law, Norm was a law professor at Dalhousie Law School and a Research Associate and Assistant Director of the Dalhousie Ocean Studies Program

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Nautical 150- Marine Skills Competition and Career Fair

NSCC Nautical is proud host the annual Marine Skills Competition and Career Fair.  This year marks the Nautical Institute’s 150 Anniversary and we plan to celebrate.

Save the Date: March 8-9, 2023

The event this year will include three components:

  1. Marine Skills Competition
  2. Nautical 150 Gala
  3. Career Fair

We will be reaching out to alumni, community and industry partners from throughout the Nautical Institute’s history to mark this special occasion.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of the Nautical Institute’s premier showcase. Join the crew as a competition sponsor.  Click here to see the opportunities available!

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Technical Presentation: Adapting to New Technology Insertion and Design Changes Through the Use of a Novel Design-Management Simulator


DATE: THURSDAY, April 21st, 2022

TIME: 12:15 Atlantic (8:15 Pacific, 11:15 Eastern, 12:45 NFLD)

Adapting to New Technology Insertion and Design Changes Through the Use of a Novel Design-Management Simulator


Many defence projects have incurred significant cost overruns and delays, with the causes attributed to program pressure, changing requirements, immature technology, under-estimation of risks, and the lack of organizational integration. Traditional practices and measures are unable to predict the impact of new technology and design changes. Moreover, there is not a practical approach or tool to help integrate multiple disciplines so as to better understand system and program complexity and the impact of changes.  Understanding risks, potential changes and technologies through knowledge gain early in the design can help reduce costs and schedule delays.  Furthermore, the use of set-based design and engineering principles can provide for a robust design that can better accommodate changes.  Along with these principles, systems thinking, system dynamics, techno-socio-economic and cultural factors are considered in development of a novel design-management simulator. This simulator is presented through application of a case study on an advanced marine integrated power system.  The simulator provides an integrated ‘big picture’ perspective not possible with the use of separate engineering and management models.


Ray Jonkers, PhD, PEng, PMP

During the past 17 years, Ray has held engineering positions in industry as a Program Performance Manager, Operations Manager, Transformation Manager, Central Engineering Manager and currently serves as a Consultant at Merlantec Management and Engineering Inc.

 Prior to this, Ray completed 22 years with the Royal Canadian Navy as a Marine Systems Engineer, where he assumed management roles in maintenance, operations, project management, quality assurance, and test and trials.

 Ray has a PhD in Systems Engineering, a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, and a MBA. Ray resides in Milford Station Nova Scotia with his wife, daughter, son and beloved Lab.

RSVP: dehughes09@gmail.com

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2022 CIMARE / NSCC Award Recipient Tiffany O’Donnell

The Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering- Atlantic Branch is pleased to announce that this year’s student recipient of the Atlantic Award is Tiffany O’Donnell. The one thousand dollar ($1,000) annual award is presented to deserving students attending the NSCC Nautical Institute at Port Hawkesbury NS. The award challenges students in their final year of study, who best demonstrate scholastic achievement, mechanical aptitude and extraordinary leadership skills. Congratulation Tiffany!

In her words, “This award will surely help me financially as I have student debt for the first time. It was a difficult decision to leave my corporate job and steady paycheck every two weeks but with bursaries like this, it helps leaps and bounds. Awards like this not only help financially but they are so motivating to keep going and keep giving it my all. This program is a huge time commitment and sometimes it can be overwhelming but being recognized and awarded for my efforts makes this all worth it. Times like these, with all the negative news in the world, some positive news is very welcomed.” – Tiffany

To see the official announcement and read more about Tiffany’s journey, click here.


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Technical Presentation: Decarbonizing Marine Shipping Clean Fuels for a Greener Future


DATE: THURSDAY, March 17th, 2022

TIME: 12:15 Atlantic (8:15 Pacific, 11:15 Eastern, 12:45 NFLD)

Decarbonizing Marine Shipping Clean Fuels for a Greener


Bud Streeter will present some of the findings from Clear Seas Centre’s ongoing research on reducing GHGs from marine fuels.


Replacing the current fossil fuels used in ships with cleaner alternatives could provide solutions to the challenge of decarbonizing marine shipping. Ship fuels manufactured using renewable electricity and made purely from water and the gases found in the atmosphere, are being proposed. These include Hydrogen, Ammonia, Methanol and Methane. Clear Seas’ ongoing research on reducing GHGs from marine fuels provides some valuable insights.


Bud Streeter,

Bud Streeter has spent over 50 years in the marine business.  He is a graduate of the Canadian Coast Guard College and holds a First Class Engineering Certificate of Competency.  He has served as an Instructor at the Canadian Coast Guard College, a Marine Inspector, Examiner and Manager with Marine Safety and as a Technical Director and Executive Officer with Marine Atlantic.  He served as Director General Marine Safety during which time he was the head of Delegation to many IMO meetings. His most recent fulltime employment was with Lloyd’s Register where he held executive positions in the Americas.  He retired from full time employment at the end of 2017.

He has served as a Board Member for Meridian Shipping Limited and for many Lloyd’s Register entities.  He was appointed to the Canadian Advisory Council on National Security and served as a marine security advisor between 2005 and 2009.

Bud is a member of the board and Past Chair of the Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping, an independent research centre that promotes safe and sustainable marine shipping in Canada. He also serves as the Honorary President of the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE).  He is a recipient of the CIMarE’s Medal of Excellence.

RSVP Admin@cimare.ca

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Technical Presentation: Conversion of a Cape Islander to Battery Electric Hybrid, before and after emissions study


DATE: THURSDAY, February 17th, 2021

TIME: 12:15 Atlantic (8:15 Pacific, 11:15 Eastern, 12:45 NFLD)

Conversion of a Cape Islander to Battery Electric Hybrid, before and after emissions study


Glas Ocean Electric has worked with Transport Canada, Canadian Maritime Engineering and others to complete a study on the impact of electrifying a fishing boat on air emissions, noise emissions and power use in normal operation. The boat was converted to an electric parallel -battery hybrid capable of operating in electric or diesel mode on command. The presentation will include discussion of the dramatic drop in hydrocarbon emissions and underwater noise as well as detailing the process for converting a boat and collecting the required data.


Dr. Sue Molloy,

Dr. Sue Molloy, holds a PhD in Naval Architectural and Ocean Engineering and is the CEO/president of Glas Ocean Electric (GOE), a Nova Scotia-based company seeking ways to electrify marine assets to reduce emissions during operation and provide vehicle to grid opportunities. In 2021 Sue and her team won the Lieutenant Governor’s award for Excellence in Engineering. Sue is a board member of the Council of Canadian Academies, a former elected member of Engineers Nova Scotia and recently completed her term as a co-chair for Canada’s Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Discovery Grant program. Sue is an active reviewer for the US Department of Energy, Canadian national programs, many journals and is a passionate award-winning member of standards committees in the IEC and ISO. Sue is currently the Canadian Chair of ISO TC 8, Ships and Marine Technology and is the international convenor for the IEC committee focused on river turbine performance.

RSVP Admin@cimare.ca

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Technical Presentation: Investigating an Occurrence on a Vessel


DATE: THURSDAY, November 18th, 2021

TIME: 12:15 Atlantic (8:15 Pacific, 11:15 Eastern, 12:45 NFLD)

Investigating an Occurrence on a Vessel


At some time in our sea going or shore side careers we are going to encounter a situation where damage is sustained to a Vessel, its equipment or it’s crew.  How do we document and report the findings of the Investigation so that lessons can be learned.


The primary reason for an investigation is to identify the causes(s) of an occurrence so as to initiate action(s) to prevent similar occurrences.

This is achieved by determining what happened, how and why it happened so that modifications can be made to procedures or equipment that will improve the safety of the Vessel operations.

Accurate and thorough reporting of all occurrences is required to enable lessons to be learnt which may prevent future occurrences.

How to document the occurrence, how to interview witnesses, how to prepare a report are all things that we shall look at in this presentation.


John Attersley ,

John Attersley is a member of the Atlantic Branch of the Institute.  John is a graduate of the Canadian Coast Guard College and began his seagoing carreer with the Canadian Coast Guard serving on both West and the East Coast as an Engineering Officer from Junior to Chief Engineer.  He moved to The Transportation Safety Board of Canada as a Marine Casualty Investigator and then to Hayes Stuart Atlantic as a Surveyor before forming his own Survey Company.  Survey work, project work, Underwriters work, consulting and acting as Owners representative have seen him work world wide on many and varied projects.

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