DATE: THURSDAY, April 21st, 2022
TIME: 12:15 Atlantic (8:15 Pacific, 11:15 Eastern, 12:45 NFLD)
Adapting to New Technology Insertion and Design Changes Through the Use of a Novel Design-Management Simulator
Many defence projects have incurred significant cost overruns and delays, with the causes attributed to program pressure, changing requirements, immature technology, under-estimation of risks, and the lack of organizational integration. Traditional practices and measures are unable to predict the impact of new technology and design changes. Moreover, there is not a practical approach or tool to help integrate multiple disciplines so as to better understand system and program complexity and the impact of changes. Understanding risks, potential changes and technologies through knowledge gain early in the design can help reduce costs and schedule delays. Furthermore, the use of set-based design and engineering principles can provide for a robust design that can better accommodate changes. Along with these principles, systems thinking, system dynamics, techno-socio-economic and cultural factors are considered in development of a novel design-management simulator. This simulator is presented through application of a case study on an advanced marine integrated power system. The simulator provides an integrated ‘big picture’ perspective not possible with the use of separate engineering and management models.
Ray Jonkers, PhD, PEng, PMP
During the past 17 years, Ray has held engineering positions in industry as a Program Performance Manager, Operations Manager, Transformation Manager, Central Engineering Manager and currently serves as a Consultant at Merlantec Management and Engineering Inc.
Prior to this, Ray completed 22 years with the Royal Canadian Navy as a Marine Systems Engineer, where he assumed management roles in maintenance, operations, project management, quality assurance, and test and trials.
Ray has a PhD in Systems Engineering, a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, and a MBA. Ray resides in Milford Station Nova Scotia with his wife, daughter, son and beloved Lab.
RSVP: dehughes09@gmail.com