• 18 Cheviot Hill, Porters Lake, NS B3E 1K1

Branch Meeting – St Lawrence

Branch Meeting – St Lawrence

February 2025


TIME: 12:00 EST (09:00 PST, 13:00 AST 13:30 NDT)



The marine industry is moving to decarbonize as emissions reduction and climate goals become more important each year.  Big shifts to alternative fuels and major infrastructure changes may be coming, but there are options available to ship owners right now which can provide both immediate emissions reductions and ROI through fuel savings and lower running hours on equipment, among other benefits.

The presentation will provide an overview of two such studies – retrofit of shore power systems and Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems (WAPS) for bulk carriers trading on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.  While both technologies are well understood, comprehensive feasibility studies for their implementation in this region, with its unique challenges and opportunities, are new.  The presentation will explain two of these studies being undertaken by ABS and Algoma Central Corporation thanks to funding from Transport Canada, the work completed to date, and early results.


Matthyw Thomas
Senior Program Manager / Principal Engineer

Short Bio

Matthyw is a Professional Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the Canadian Marine industry.  He is a technical capability builder and subject matter expert specializing in harsh marine environment regulatory, operational, and design analysis, and advanced systems modeling.  He has been with ABS since 2023, delivering programs for customers across the marine government, commercial, and NGO domains.

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Branch Meeting – Atlantic

Branch Meeting – Atlantic

February 2025


TIME: 1200 noon Atlantic Time

LOCATION: Brightwood Golf Club

Paul Jamer, President of Helm Management Services, will share a presentation on the current vessel life extension for the CCG Terry Fox.

The CCG Terry Fox vessel life extension project is being conducted by Ontario Shipyards in St Catherines and the vessel has been in the yard since April 2024.  A large multitasked icebreaker, the ship is capable of sustained operations in the Arctic archipelago over the summer months and icebreaking escort operations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and East Coast of Newfoundland in the winter. The vessel also assists in various CCG programs including Arctic scientific missions.

The presentation will be in person at Brightwood Golf Club (227 School St, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2Y5) and will be available via GoTo Meeting for those that would like to attend virtually.  Please RSVP to receive a meeting link.


Travis Franklin,

Secretary, Atlantic Branch


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Branch Meeting – Vancouver Island

Branch Meeting – Vancouver Island

February 2025


TIME: 1900


LCdr Ryan deForest, XO of the first of the Canadian Navy’s Protecteur class resupply ships will give a presentation on the vessel’s concept evolution, its design, its capabilities, and its construction status.

Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment vessels are a critical component of blue water navies and are strategic national assets.  Replenishment ships increase the range of other ships or a Naval Task Group by letting them stay at sea for longer periods of time before going to port for supplies.

Click the image below to a site with video and details of the ship and a video of the sea-to-shore offloading connector being assembled.

Members often arrive early to share conversations with colleagues. Spouses and guests are always welcome at our Branch meetings! Meetings have a question and answer period at the end.

Bill Wallace,

Communications Coordinator, for the executive committee



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Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers Golf Tournament

Registration closes JUNE 13, 2024

Good afternoon everyone on this beautiful day!  We are about a month away from the Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers Golf tournament 2024 and registration is now over half full!  We will be having the tournament at the beautiful Chester Golf Course this year on Thursday June 13, 2024 starting at 830am!

We are happy to be able to keep the cost at $175.00 per player, $700.00 per team of 4 this year with golf cart included.  Adjustments will be made for current members for golf and dinner only.  We will be having BBQ chicken dinners at the end of the tournament.  If there are any dietary restrictions please let us know

With everyone receiving a prize we are always looking for donations and will gladly accept any prizes or monetary donations to help with the prizes.  All profits from the tournament will be given as donations to the Mission of Seafarers and Bonny Lea farm. 

 If you have any donations please drop them off at International Paint at 250 Brownlow Avenue Suite 2 or I can pick them up and we will ensure they are included with the prizes.  Remember the more donations, the more we can donate as a group to Bonny Lea and Mission to seafarers.

Get your team registered today to hold your spot!  There will be 18 teams of 4 available this year.  The registration form can be downloaded here.

Any registration cheques and prizes can be dropped off at International Paint Suite 2, 250 Brownlow Ave Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

We look forward to seeing everyone!

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In Memory of Raymond Morrissey

MORRISSEY, Raymond – It is with great sadness that the family of Raymond share the news of his passing. Ray died on December 25, 2023, at the age of 93 at Hospice Niagara.

Predeceased by his parents, Raymond and Eileen Marie (Young) Morrissey and his sisters, Theresa Gear and Eileen Morrissey. Lovingly remembered by his brothers, Daniel, William, Frank and Neil and his sisters, Rosann Mallon and Mary Webster. Ray is also remembered fondly by Ted England (brother-in-law) and Bonnie Easton (niece), as well as many relatives, friends and colleagues.

Raymond was a loving and devoted husband to Louise for 61 years. As a sailor he was away from home for long periods of time. The life of a sailor’s wife is a challenging one, but they both made the long-distance relationship work. There is some comfort in knowing that Ray and Lou will be together again in heaven.

Ray was involved in the Niagara Mariner’s Club, Cattlemen’s Association, Feeder Finance and the OFA.

Ray will likely be remembered most for his generosity, dedication, intellect and insatiable curiosity. He was a life-long learner and expert problem solver. If something needed fixing he would always figure out a way to fix it. As a sailor on the lake ships for over 70 years, he was best known in his capacity as chief engineer. His shipmates and friends tell many stories about Ray, affectionately referring to him only as “Chief”.

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AGM 2024

CIMARE Great Lakes Branch Annual General Meeting

CIMARE Great Lakes Branch AGM


Please see below/attached details for the AGM coming up on January 18th, 2024.

Date: Thursday January 18th, 2024

Time: Social hour (cash bar) at 18:00, Presentation at 19:00, Informal Buffet-type Dinner throughout the evening

Attire: Casual

Location: Loose Moose, 146 Front St W, Toronto (3 minute walk from the Royal York)

Tickets: $160.00 taxes included

Group Discounts:

5 tickets or more – $5 off per ticket ($155.00 each)

10 tickets or more – $10 off per ticket ($150.00 each)

20 tickets or more – $20 off per ticket ($140.00 each)

Technical Guest Keynote Speaker:   Mr. Derek Davis, P. Eng

“Submarines and Canada: 110 Years and Counting”

Discussing Canada’s history with submarines, how we got where we are today, what submarines bring to the table from both a Naval and national perspective, and where Canada may go with submarines in the future.

Our keynote speaker has been graciously sponsored by Canal Marine & Industrial Inc.

We will also be acknowledging the deserving CIMARE award/grant recipients from Georgian College at this event!

For tickets and/or to RSVP, please contact Gerald Oskam gerald@amherstgroup.ca or (905) 658-9927 as soon as possible.  For payment options/information, please contact Gerald.

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CIMARE Great Lakes Branch – Technical Paper Presentation by Wartsila Exhaust Treatment


DATE: Friday, October 27th, 2023

TIME: 11:30 (Eastern) Presentation 12:00 to 12:30

Location: Walter Hiltebrand Marine Services Ltd.

2235 Hwy. 20 E, Unit 27-28,  Welland, ON L3B 5N5

Wärtsilä Development of Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage System for Marine Industry


Decarbonisation is one of the greatest challenges the shipping industry has faced in its long history. At Wärtsilä, we believe that part of the solution lies in technology, and this is why one of the multiple research and development pathways we are focusing on is Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage system. From all the experience throughout the years with SOx scrubbing we believe that we are perfectly placed to pioneer Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage and unlock an immediate decarbonisation impact. Currently we are focusing on solvent-based scrubbing solution aiming at carbon capture rate in line with IMOs decarbonisation targets. We have successfully been operating our test installation since 2021 and have several pilot projects under work. We are currently working on the complete value chain to have a system that makes a genuine difference.“

Please share to with anyone who may be interested in this presentation!

Please RSVP at cimareglb@gmail.com for this event – we need to confirm final numbers no later than Oct 20th.

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DATE: Thursday, October 12th, 2023

TIME: 12:00 Atlantic (8:00 Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 12:30 NFLD)

Location: Brightwood Golf and Country Club, https://www.brightwoodgolf.ca/

(In person) and GoTo Meeting Video Link through CIMarE.

Timing: 1215-1315 (Please arrive at 1200 as presenter will start at 1215)



In recent years, the marine industry has put a significant emphasis on making the world’s fleets “greener” and more environmentally friendly. Driven by public opinion, and enforced by IMO, flag state and other regulators, alternative fuels and advanced propulsion and power generation arrangements have become mainstream.

As always, stakeholder enthusiasm does not necessarily result in marine operators achieving their desired goals. Not all initiatives result in reduced emissions and even fewer provide the necessary operational reliability and a solid business case. To succeed long term, all of these requirements must be met.

This paper will provide an overview of the history of the industry’s greening efforts, identify challenges left to overcome, and look at several real life applications that have successfully been deployed and are delivering the promised results.


Paul Jamer

Paul has been a well-known member of the marine and offshore community for many years. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and has been a guest lecturer at Colleges and Universities both in Canada and Internationally. He has been an active board member for several marine and energy related organizations, specifically as a Chair of the Maritimes Energy Association and Chair of FORCE (Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy).

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Expert Witnesses: The Superheroes of Witnesses


DATE: Thursday, May 11th, 2023

TIME: 12:00 Atlantic (8:00 Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 12:30 NFLD)

Location: Brightwood Golf and Country Club, https://www.brightwoodgolf.ca/

(In person) and GoTo Meeting Video Link through CIMarE.

Timing: 1215-1315 (Please arrive at 1200 as presenter will start at 1215)

Note: Clubhouse lunch will be available for purchase and delivered at 1315 once speaker finishes presenting and questions!!

Expert Witnesses: The Superheroes of Witnesses


Norm Letalik presents a survey of the special role that experts play in the litigation process including assessing matters to determine fault, recording evidence, interviewing witnesses, preparing reports and testifying in courts or at arbitrations or assisting in finding solutions at mediations.


The special powers given to expert witness come with additional responsibilities to the court to provide objective expert opinion and to interpret facts and educate the court so that the evidence can be better understood by the trier of fact. Unlike ordinary witnesses, expert witnesses may testify on evidence that would otherwise be excluded as hearsay evidence. We will review what characteristics courts expect experts to possess and how experts need to communicate with lawyers retaining them. Experts need to comport themselves as being independent so that their message will be heard and adopted by the courts.


Norm Letalik , M.A LL.B  LL.M

Norm Letalik, has been called to the Bar in Ontario since 1989 and to the Rolls as a Solicitor in England and Wales since 1998.  He practiced as a litigator in BLG’s Toronto office for 28 years handling all matter of marine, aviation and product liability claims.  Following his retirement from private practice he was General Counsel for Volkswagen Group Canada and now resides in Halifax and is Counsel to Metcalf and Company.  Prior to practicing law, Norm was a law professor at Dalhousie Law School and a Research Associate and Assistant Director of the Dalhousie Ocean Studies Program

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