Branch Meeting – St Lawrence
February 2025
TIME: 12:00 EST (09:00 PST, 13:00 AST 13:30 NDT)
The marine industry is moving to decarbonize as emissions reduction and climate goals become more important each year. Big shifts to alternative fuels and major infrastructure changes may be coming, but there are options available to ship owners right now which can provide both immediate emissions reductions and ROI through fuel savings and lower running hours on equipment, among other benefits.
The presentation will provide an overview of two such studies – retrofit of shore power systems and Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems (WAPS) for bulk carriers trading on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway. While both technologies are well understood, comprehensive feasibility studies for their implementation in this region, with its unique challenges and opportunities, are new. The presentation will explain two of these studies being undertaken by ABS and Algoma Central Corporation thanks to funding from Transport Canada, the work completed to date, and early results.
Matthyw Thomas
Senior Program Manager / Principal Engineer
Short Bio
Matthyw is a Professional Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the Canadian Marine industry. He is a technical capability builder and subject matter expert specializing in harsh marine environment regulatory, operational, and design analysis, and advanced systems modeling. He has been with ABS since 2023, delivering programs for customers across the marine government, commercial, and NGO domains.