• 18 Cheviot Hill, Porters Lake, NS B3E 1K1

The Institute is governed formally by its National Council.  (In local Branches, an elected committee or executive also provides leadership.)  The National Council, ordinarily composed of seven members, is elected directly every year by members of the Institute at the CIMarE Annual General Meeting.  The Council is responsible for setting the Institute’s strategic direction, overseeing its business, attracting and supporting members, assisting Branches, and promoting marine technology and the interests of members in Canadian society.

Members of the National Council are guided in their responsibilities by a combination of fiduciary duty, the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (which prescribes that Council members are the directors of the Institute) and the member-approved 2020 Bylaws of the Institute.  The Council ordinarily meets in person twice a year, including at the Institute’s Annual General Meeting, and routinely by conference call.  From themselves, Council members elect a Chair, a Finance Director, a Membership Director, a Communications Director and a Scholarships Director.

Members of the Institute present at the 2020 Annual General Meeting unanimously approved adoption of the 2020 By-laws, a necessary step to ensure the continuing corporate existence of the Institute under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.  The 2020 By-laws replace – but do not substantially change – the By-laws approved by Institute members in 2013.  The 2020 By-laws also continue key provisions of the Institute’s Rules, which are now repealed.

In 2020, the members present at the Annual General Meeting approved minor revisions to the By-laws, removing the class of membership for corporate member.  A copy can be obtained here.

Minutes of the meetings of the CIMarE National Council, together with financial statements, can be found in the members’ area of this website.