• 18 Cheviot Hill, Porters Lake, NS B3E 1K1

Before completing an application for membership, please review the following:

1. The email address provided on the application will be used primarily for correspondence. Your membership certificate will be sent to the mailing address provided.
2. Applicants for member or associate member must be proposed by an existing CIMarE member, who validates the applicant’s information.
3. All applications will be reviewed and responded to by the National Council Director of Membership. The Institute’s Membership Administration Process, reviewed annually by the National Council, governs the process of membership applications and transfers between classes of membership.

Classes of Membership

(extract from CIMarE 2016 bylaws)


Candidates for election or transfer to the class of Member shall be persons who, in the opinion of the Council, are in a position to further the objects and purposes for which the Institute is constituted and shall either:

  1. hold a Transport Canada issued Certificate of Competency as a First Class Marine Engineer or as a Second Class Marine Engineer, or the equivalent as determined by the Council; or
  2. hold the Royal Canadian Navy Engineering MARE Marine Systems officer Head of Department Qualification, or the equivalent as determined by the Council; or
  3. hold a recognized degree in engineering or naval architecture from an accredited Canadian university or equivalent, and have held for not less than three years a position of responsibility in marine engineering or a related field; or
  4. hold the Royal Canadian Navy Certificate 4 or Certificate 3 for Marine Engineering Technicians, or the equivalent as determined by the Council; or
  5. have held for not less than three years a position of senior professional responsibility in marine engineering or in any branch of the engineering profession which has an application in the design, building or operation of ships or their machinery or contributes in any way to marine technology.

Associate Member

Candidates for election or transfer to the class of Associate Member shall be persons who, in the opinion of the Council are in a position to further the objects and purposes for which the Institute is constituted and shall either:

  1. hold a Transport Canada issued Certificate of Competency as a Third Class Marine Engineer or Fourth Class Marine Engineer, or the equivalent as determined by the Council; or
  2. hold the Royal Canadian Navy MARE Marine Systems Officer 44B qualification, or hold a Naval Marine Engineering Technician Certificate 2 or Certificate 1, or equivalents as determined by the Council; or
  3. currently hold or be eligible for a position of responsibility in marine engineering or in the Canadian marine industry contributing to the operation, design, maintenance, supply, and shore support of ships and marine technology; or
  4. be a graduate of a marine related degree or diploma program, who, in the opinion of the Council, has an interest in, and is likely to contribute to, the activities of the Institute.


Candidates for election to the class of Student Member shall be persons who, in the opinion of the Council, are likely to have an interest in the Institute and are enrolled or intend to be enrolled in marine engineering, mechanical engineering and technology or naval architecture studies or training. A Student Member shall generally be required to qualify for another class of membership after five years as a Student Member.