• 18 Cheviot Hill, Porters Lake, NS B3E 1K1

About UsCIMarE branch

The Vancouver Branch is located in the Lower Mainland of BC. It has a full slate of volunteers to manage its many meetings and visits.

PositionNameEmail Address Telephone
ChairHarly Pennerhpenner@seaspan.com604-317-2846
TreasurerVincent PercyVince.Percy@Seaspan.com604-828-7133
National Council RepRussell Oyerussell_oye@bcit.ca604-451-6824
ScholarshipRussell Oyerussell_oye@bcit.ca604-451-6824
Board MemberNick Folinonfolino@mmee.ca604-649-0578

Vancouver Branch Contact cimarevan@gmail.com

  • If you are interested in participating in the executive committee in one of the open position please contact above

EventsVancouver Branch

Next Meeting

Our meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month from September to June.  We convene at 6:00pm for social hour, the meeting begins at 7:00. For more information, email cimare@burrardironworks.com.