Thursday’s presenter will be Klaus Kreye from BC Hydro.

He’ll be speaking about power supply to Vancouver Island and particularly to the challenges of providing cold-ironing capability at the Ogden Point piers.

He’ll welcome all questions, not just particular ones to the topic above, recognizing that his expertise and ours overlaps in the field of shorepower requirements of large cruise ships. and there are a wide range of interesting electrical issues in play on our Island.

The meeting will use CIMarE’s GoToMeeting software as its platform

It’s an easy platform to use  (trust me on this……….I’ve had no problems using it, and I’m no computer whiz……)

The site will open at 1900; the first 30 minutes are the equivalent of the friendly conversations prior to our in-person meetings, and can also provide time to salt down minor procedural glitches.  The presentation will start at 1930 from your favorite browser, log into the members only area and view the event to get the GoTo Meeting Link.

Our Web Meeting Coordinator, Brian Merz, will be onsite to support us if there is a hiccup, and can be reached by phone at 236-562-4738 once the site opens.

This new media platform will widen the scope of future potential presentations and it will enable us to stay in contact with one another both visually and audibly.

Our first few virtual Branch meetings  have been excellent.

I hope that all who can will partake of this opportunity to be part of a significant step forward in the Vancouver Island Branch’s future.