• 18 Cheviot Hill, Porters Lake, NS B3E 1K1
Your membership expiry date: ---

Click on the membership level you wish to apply for. If you are renewing, click on your existing membership level highlighted. Confirm your information and proceed with payment.

Please see detailed application conditions here

Before completing an application for membership, please review the following:

  1. The email address shown on the application will be used for correspondence primarily. Membership certificate will be sent to the mailing address provided.
  2. Applicants for member or associate member must be proposed by an existing CIMarE member or associate member, who validates applicant's information
  3. All applications will be reviewed and responded to by the National Council Director of Membership. The Institute's Membership Administration Process, reviewed annually by the National Council, governs the process of membership applications and transfers between classes of membership.
Level Price  
Member $126.00 now.
Membership expires after 1 Year.
Associate Member $126.00 now.
Membership expires after 1 Year.
Retired $47.00 now.
Membership expires after 1 Year.
Students $10.00 now.
Membership expires after 1 Year.